Altea la Nova
Calle Sondeo 9, Altea la Vella
Dear co-owners of Altea La Nova,
In 2021 our Community Altea La Nova celebrated its 20th anniversary. As time goes by and technology evolves, the committee will continue to communicate in a modern, direct and transparent way.
Therefore, after the new logo was born, it is time for an ALTEA LA NOVA website.
This website is in large part only accessible to owners of Altea La Nova, and is an extra service to you.
By simply login into this website, you will be able to consult all the information necessary to be
well informed about our Community and about all that happens within it.
For all your questions, proposals, or if you wish to make an important announcement, please contact
our office directly, who will take your question further if necessary. From now on the entire
administration is centralised in our office at the reception.
So, you have only one place to call or to go to for any information or inquiry.
Furthermore, at any time, this website is the shortest way to stay informed about Altea La Nova.
The committee and our administrator Jose Revert and the concierge Soraya hope to inform you well through this channel and to provide you the right service.
Kind regards,