House Rules

Approved in the General Meeting - 24/10/2020



The Residential Community ALTEA LA NOVA, located in the municipality of Altea, Alicante, enjoys a privileged situation and a remarkable environment. It is a civic and architectural complex of houses, where harmony between all the neighbours should prevail.

ARTICLE 1.- The purpose of these Regulations is to complement those of the Horizontal Property Law of 21 July 1960, modified by Law 8/99. They shall govern the Community of Owners, and shall be compulsory for all current and future owners, users and tenants, until they are modified in accordance with the provisions of the Law and, where applicable, the legislation in force.

ARTICLE 2.- The common elements are those indicated in Article 1 of the 1960 Horizontal Property Law, reformed by Law 8/99, which modifies Article 396 of the Civil Code, and those indicated in the title of the community.

ARTICLE 3.- The costs incurred in the maintenance of all the community installations will be covered as agreed in each of the Annual Budgets, based on the coefficient of participation in the costs existing for each of the owners. For possible extraordinary expenses, we will always refer to what is stated in the current Horizontal Property Law In order to cover these expenses, the communal owners will pay, within the first ten days of each month, a quota for the six-month period, in accordance with the approved annual budget and in proportion to their participation coefficient. The Community may, in accordance with the procedure set out in Article 21 of the Law on the Protection of Homes, demand payment of the fees, or the balance of the payments in its favour, from those owners who do not pay in due time, with a ten percent surcharge.

ARTICLE 4.- No work may be carried out that affects the common elements of the property or the aesthetic, monumental external or internal configuration of the building, without the prior presentation of a project duly documented by specialists, which will be passed on to the General Meeting of the Community, which will decide, positively or negatively, as soon as possible. Any added security system must be in accordance with the colour and design of the building, the colour code for the complex being RAL 553 (green).

ARTICLE 5.- The owner of each property will be able to rent it to whoever he considers convenient, as long as it is done for his own purpose. The owner of each property may not rent it to more than one family, nor may he rent it out in rooms, so that it becomes a business. The owner of the property will be responsible for the acts that affect the community of the tenant or lessee before the other neighbours, without prejudice to what has been agreed as a landlord with the tenant. The owner of the property is obliged to inform the tenant of the Internal Regulations of the Community and its Statutes. Any breakdown or obstruction of the installations, which is a consequence of the negligence of an owner, of his tenant, or of his family or persons who depend on one or more of them, will be at his expense, and he must proceed to repair it immediately, being responsible for the damages caused for this reason. The owners will be asked to report to the board from Altea La Nova by email or at the reception desk in case they are renting out to tourists.

ARTICLE 6.- In order to contribute to the general coexistence and the necessary rest of the Community, no disturbing noises, whether manual, mechanical, electrical or of any kind, may be made at night after 11.30pm and until 9am the following day. Throughout the year, no disturbing noises may be made from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

ARTICLE 7.- Dogs are not allowed in the gardens or common areas. They must always be kept on a leash and taken for walks outside the urbanisation. Animal excrement can be dangerous, especially for children.

If the dog does its needs on the way out, the owner must pick up the faeces and put them in the bins outside the community. Putting them in the bins inside the community is strictly forbidden. To let the dog out, one must follow the shortest route to the exit and at all times avoid the pool and garden areas.

ARTICLE 8.- The swimming pool will remain closed if the lifeguard is not present. Parents are responsible for the safety of their children at all times. Inflatable objects may not be used in the swimming pool, except those that are essential for the safety of small children. Children must wear appropriate swimming clothes. No glass objects may be used around the pool. The shower must always be used before entering the pool. Smoking is prohibited in the pool area.

ARTICLE 9.- Leaving cat food and litter in the corridors and communal areas is totally prohibited. Animal excrements can be dangerous for all of us.

ARTICLE 10.- The rubbish must be deposited in the containers intended for this purpose, at the times established in the Municipal Bylaws. There is a free collection service provided by the Town Hall on 965841566.

ARTICLE 11.- It is forbidden to place any vehicle or object in the runway and common areas of the garages.

ARTICLE 12.- It is forbidden to use the common areas of the Community, including the garden areas for holding private parties, without prior authorisation from the Community. No charcoal or firewood barbecues may be used on terraces or elsewhere in the community. Only electric or gas barbecues are permitted.

ARTICLE 13.- Air conditioning appliances must be installed in the areas authorised for this purpose.

ARTICLE 14.- The flowerbeds belong to the community. The owners may use them for plants and flowers, according to the plants on the community list. They must maintain them and not irrigate them excessively. In case of repair work, the soil will be replaced after it is finished. Plants that are not on the list will not be planted in it anymore. The owner will take care of the replanting himself. This list of permitted plants can be requested or is available at the reception.

ARTICLE 15.- Owners who wish to place awnings in their homes must place them in a colour authorised by the community. COLOUR BEIGE.

ARTICLE 16.- It is totally prohibited to hang clothes and towels on the terraces towards the outside, standing clotheslines must be used for these circumstances.

ARTICLE 17.- The individual satellite dishes, with prior notice to the community, must be placed in the places provided for this purpose in the urbanisation, and the owner of the property must carry out the appropriate installation on his own through the conduits provided for this purpose.

ARTICLE 18.- In case of water leakage or any other urgency it is sometimes necessary to enter the flat to avoid further consequential damage. If, in the absence of the owner, his key-holder, if any, is not on site within 30min, the cost of any necessary intervention will be charged to the owner.

ARTICLE 19.- The present Rules of the Internal Regulations oblige all the current and future owners of the property, starting from the date of their approval. For the resolution of any questions of a jurisdictional nature that may arise, the owners expressly submit themselves to the courts of Benidorm, renouncing their own jurisdiction.

Approved in the General Meeting - 24/10/2020